使用 Groovy、OpenNLP、CoreNLP、Nlp4j、Datumbox、Smile、Spark NLP、DJL 和 TensorFlow 进行自然语言处理
作者:Paul King
发布日期:2022-08-07 07:34AM
自然语言处理无疑是一个庞大而有时复杂的主题,涉及许多方面。其中一些方面值得单独撰写整个博客。在本博客中,我们将简要介绍一些简单的用例,说明您可以在自己的项目中使用 NLP 技术的地方。
了解某些文本代表的语言可能是后续处理的关键第一步。让我们看看如何使用预构建模型和 Apache OpenNLP 来预测语言。这里,ResourceHelper
是用于下载和缓存模型的实用程序类。第一次运行可能需要一段时间,因为它会下载模型。后续运行应该很快。这里我们使用的是 OpenNLP 文档中提到的知名模型。
def helper = new ResourceHelper('https://dlcdn.apache.org/opennlp/models/langdetect/1.8.3/')
def model = new LanguageDetectorModel(helper.load('langdetect-183'))
def detector = new LanguageDetectorME(model)
[ spa: 'Bienvenido a Madrid', fra: 'Bienvenue à Paris',
dan: 'Velkommen til København', bul: 'Добре дошли в София'
].each { k, v ->
assert detector.predictLanguage(v).lang == k
更复杂的情况是训练您自己的模型。让我们看看如何使用 Datumbox 来做到这一点。Datumbox 有一个 预训练模型动物园,但其语言检测模型似乎不适用于下一个示例中的小片段,因此我们将训练自己的模型。首先,我们将定义我们的数据集
def datasets = [
English: getClass().classLoader.getResource("training.language.en.txt").toURI(),
French: getClass().classLoader.getResource("training.language.fr.txt").toURI(),
German: getClass().classLoader.getResource("training.language.de.txt").toURI(),
Spanish: getClass().classLoader.getResource("training.language.es.txt").toURI(),
Indonesian: getClass().classLoader.getResource("training.language.id.txt").toURI()
训练数据集来自 Datumbox 示例。其他语言的训练数据集来自 Kaggle。
def trainingParams = new TextClassifier.TrainingParameters(
numericalScalerTrainingParameters: null,
featureSelectorTrainingParametersList: [new ChisquareSelect.TrainingParameters()],
textExtractorParameters: new NgramsExtractor.Parameters(),
modelerTrainingParameters: new MultinomialNaiveBayes.TrainingParameters()
接下来,我们创建算法,使用训练数据集对其进行训练,然后使用训练数据集对其进行验证。通常,我们希望将数据分成训练集和测试集,以便更准确地统计模型的准确性。但为了简单起见,虽然仍然说明了 API,我们将使用整个数据集进行训练和验证
def config = Configuration.configuration
def classifier = MLBuilder.create(trainingParams, config)
def metrics = classifier.validate(datasets)
println "Classifier Accuracy (using training data): $metrics.accuracy"
Classifier Accuracy (using training data): 0.9975609756097561
[ 'Bienvenido a Madrid', 'Bienvenue à Paris', 'Welcome to London',
'Willkommen in Berlin', 'Selamat Datang di Jakarta'
].each { txt ->
def r = classifier.predict(txt)
def predicted = r.YPredicted
def probability = sprintf '%4.2f', r.YPredictedProbabilities.get(predicted)
println "Classifying: '$txt', Predicted: $predicted, Probability: $probability"
Classifying: 'Bienvenido a Madrid', Predicted: Spanish, Probability: 0.83 Classifying: 'Bienvenue à Paris', Predicted: French, Probability: 0.71 Classifying: 'Welcome to London', Predicted: English, Probability: 1.00 Classifying: 'Willkommen in Berlin', Predicted: German, Probability: 0.84 Classifying: 'Selamat Datang di Jakarta', Predicted: Indonesian, Probability: 1.00
词性 (POS) 分析器从句子的作用角度(单词和可能的标点符号)检查句子的每个部分。典型的分析器会根据其在句子中的作用来分配或标注单词,例如识别名词、动词、形容词等等。这可能是像亚马逊、苹果和谷歌的语音助手这样的工具的关键早期步骤。
我们将从查看可能不太为人知的库 Nlp4j 开始,然后再查看其他一些库。事实上,存在多个 Nlp4j 库。我们将使用来自 nlp4j.org 的一个库,它似乎是最活跃的,并且最近更新了。
该库在幕后使用 Stanford CoreNLP 库来实现其英语 POS 功能。该库具有文档的概念以及在文档上工作的标注器。标注后,我们可以打印出所有发现的单词及其标注
var doc = new DefaultDocument()
doc.putAttribute('text', 'I eat sushi with chopsticks.')
var ann = new StanfordPosAnnotator()
ann.setProperty('target', 'text')
println doc.keywords.collect{ k -> "${k.facet - 'word.'}(${k.str})" }.join(' ')
PRP(I) VBP(eat) NN(sushi) IN(with) NNS(chopsticks) .(.)
人称代词 |
现在时动词 |
NN |
名词,单数 |
IN |
介词 |
名词,复数 |
doc = new DefaultDocument()
doc.putAttribute('text', '私は学校に行きました。')
ann = new KuromojiAnnotator()
ann.setProperty('target', 'text')
println doc.keywords.collect{ k -> "${k.facet}(${k.str})" }.join(' ')
名詞(私) 助詞(は) 名詞(学校) 助詞(に) 動詞(行き) 助動詞(まし) 助動詞(た) 記号(。)
在继续之前,我们将重点介绍 GroovyConsole 的结果可视化功能。此功能允许我们编写一个小的 Groovy 脚本,将结果转换为任何 Swing 组件。在我们的例子中,我们将把标注字符串列表转换为包含 HTML(包括彩色标注框)的 JLabel
组件。此处未包含详细信息,但可以在 repo 中找到。我们需要将该文件复制到我们的 ~/.groovy
可视化完全是可选的,但增加了很好的效果。如果在 Jupyter/BeakerX 等笔记本环境中使用 Groovy,这些环境中也可能存在可视化工具。
让我们看看使用 Smile 库的更大的示例。
def sentences = [
'Paul has two sisters, Maree and Christine.',
'No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise',
'His bark was much worse than his bite',
'Turn on the lights to the main bedroom',
"Light 'em all up",
'Make it dark downstairs'
其中几句话可能看起来有点奇怪,但它们是专门选择用来展示许多不同的 POS 标签的。
Smile 有一个分词器类,可以将句子拆分成单词。它处理许多情况,例如缩略词和缩写(“e.g.”,“'tis”,“won't”)。Smile 还具有基于隐马尔可夫模型的 POS 类,并且该类使用内置模型。以下是使用这些类的代码
def tokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer(true)
sentences.each {
def tokens = Arrays.stream(tokenizer.split(it)).toArray(String[]::new)
def tags = HMMPOSTagger.default.tag(tokens)*.toString()
println tokens.indices.collect{tags[it] == tokens[it] ? tags[it] : "${tags[it]}(${tokens[it]})" }.join(' ')
[注意:repo 中的脚本只是打印到标准输出,这在使用命令行或 IDE 时非常完美。GroovyConsole 中的可视化只针对实际结果生效。因此,如果您在家中遵循步骤并想使用 GroovyConsole,您需要将 each
更改为 collect
并删除 println
OpenNLP 代码非常类似
def tokenizer = SimpleTokenizer.INSTANCE
sentences.each {
String[] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(it)
def posTagger = new POSTaggerME('en')
String[] tags = posTagger.tag(tokens)
println tokens.indices.collect{tags[it] == tokens[it] ? tags[it] : "${tags[it]}(${tokens[it]})" }.join(' ')
OpenNLP 允许您提供自己的 POS 模型,但如果未指定,则会下载默认模型。
细心的读者可能已经注意到,该库中使用的标签有一些细微的差异。它们本质上是相同的,但使用了略微不同的名称。在 POS 库或模型之间切换时,请注意这一点。请务必查看您正在使用的库/模型的文档,以了解可用的标签类型。
命名实体识别 (NER) 旨在识别和分类文本中的命名实体。感兴趣的类别可能是人物、组织、地点日期等等。它是许多 NLP 领域中使用的另一种技术。
String[] sentences = [
"A commit by Daniel Sun on December 6, 2020 improved Groovy 4's language integrated query.",
"A commit by Daniel on Sun., December 6, 2020 improved Groovy 4's language integrated query.",
'The Groovy in Action book by Dierk Koenig et. al. is a bargain at $50, or indeed any price.',
'The conference wrapped up yesterday at 5:30 p.m. in Copenhagen, Denmark.',
'I saw Ms. May Smith waving to June Jones.',
'The parcel was passed from May to June.',
'The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci has been on display in the Louvre, Paris since 1797.'
def base = 'http://opennlp.sourceforge.net/models-1.5'
def modelNames = ['person', 'money', 'date', 'time', 'location']
def finders = modelNames.collect { model ->
new NameFinderME(DownloadUtil.downloadModel(new URL("$base/en-ner-${model}.bin"), TokenNameFinderModel))
def tokenizer = SimpleTokenizer.INSTANCE
sentences.each { sentence ->
String[] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
Span[] tokenSpans = tokenizer.tokenizePos(sentence)
def entityText = [:]
def entityPos = [:]
finders.indices.each {fi ->
// could be made smarter by looking at probabilities and overlapping spans
Span[] spans = finders[fi].find(tokens)
spans.each{span ->
def se = span.start..<span.end
def pos = (tokenSpans[se.from].start)..<(tokenSpans[se.to].end)
entityPos[span.start] = pos
entityText[span.start] = "$span.type(${sentence[pos]})"
entityPos.keySet().sort().reverseEach {
def pos = entityPos[it]
def (from, to) = [pos.from, pos.to + 1]
sentence = sentence[0..<from] + entityText[it] + sentence[to..-1]
println sentence
我们可以看到,大多数示例都按预期进行了分类。我们必须改进我们的模型才能更好地处理“May to June”示例。
我们还可以在 Spark NLP 等平台上运行命名实体检测算法,该平台将 NLP 功能添加到 Apache Spark 中。我们将使用 glove_100d 嵌入和 onto_100 NER 模型。
var assembler = new DocumentAssembler(inputCol: 'text', outputCol: 'document', cleanupMode: 'disabled')
var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(inputCols: ['document'] as String[], outputCol: 'token')
var embeddings = WordEmbeddingsModel.pretrained('glove_100d').tap {
inputCols = ['document', 'token'] as String[]
outputCol = 'embeddings'
var model = NerDLModel.pretrained('onto_100', 'en').tap {
inputCols = ['document', 'token', 'embeddings'] as String[]
outputCol ='ner'
var converter = new NerConverter(inputCols: ['document', 'token', 'ner'] as String[], outputCol: 'ner_chunk')
var pipeline = new Pipeline(stages: [assembler, tokenizer, embeddings, model, converter] as PipelineStage[])
var spark = SparkNLP.start(false, false, '16G', '', '', '')
var text = [
"The Mona Lisa is a 16th century oil painting created by Leonardo. It's held at the Louvre in Paris."
var data = spark.createDataset(text, Encoders.STRING()).toDF('text')
var pipelineModel = pipeline.fit(data)
var transformed = pipelineModel.transform(data)
use(SparkCategory) {
transformed.collectAsList().each { row ->
def res = row.text
def chunks = row.ner_chunk.reverseIterator()
while (chunks.hasNext()) {
def chunk = chunks.next()
int begin = chunk.begin
int end = chunk.end
def entity = chunk.metadata.get('entity').get()
res = res[0..<begin] + "$entity($chunk.result)" + res[end<..-1]
println res
这里我们使用了一个实用程序 SparkCategory
类,它使访问 Spark Row
实例中的信息在 Groovy 简写语法方面更加方便。我们可以使用 row.text
而不是 row.get(row.fieldIndex('text'))
class SparkCategory {
static get(Row r, String field) { r.get(r.fieldIndex(field)) }
如果执行的操作比这个简单的示例更多,则可以通过各种标准的 Groovy 技术使 SparkCategory
22/08/07 12:31:39 INFO SparkContext: Running Spark version 3.3.0 ... glove_100d download started this may take some time. Approximate size to download 145.3 MB ... onto_100 download started this may take some time. Approximate size to download 13.5 MB ... +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ | text| document| token| embeddings| ner| ner_chunk| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |The Mona Lisa is ...|[{document, 0, 98...|[{token, 0, 2, Th...|[{word_embeddings...|[{named_entity, 0...|[{chunk, 0, 12, T...| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ PERSON(The Mona Lisa) is a DATE(16th century) oil painting created by PERSON(Leonardo). It's held at the FAC(Louvre) in GPE(Paris).
这里 FAC 代表设施(建筑物、机场、高速公路、桥梁等),GPE 代表地理政治实体(国家、城市、州等)。
def text = '''
The most referenced scientific paper of all time is "Protein measurement with the
Folin phenol reagent" by Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L. & Randall,
R. J. and was published in the J. BioChem. in 1951. It describes a method for
measuring the amount of protein (even as small as 0.2 γ, were γ is the specific
weight) in solutions and has been cited over 300,000 times and can be found here:
https://www.jbc.org/content/193/1/265.full.pdf. Dr. Lowry completed
two doctoral degrees under an M.D.-Ph.D. program from the University of Chicago
before moving to Harvard under A. Baird Hastings. He was also the H.O.D of
Pharmacology at Washington University in St. Louis for 29 years.
以下是一些用于在上面文本中检测句子的 OpenNLP 代码
def helper = new ResourceHelper('http://opennlp.sourceforge.net/models-1.5')
def model = new SentenceModel(helper.load('en-sent'))
def detector = new SentenceDetectorME(model)
def sentences = detector.sentDetect(text)
assert text.count('.') == 28
assert sentences.size() == 4
println "Found ${sentences.size()} sentences:\n" + sentences.join('\n\n')
Downloading en-sent
Found 4 sentences:
The most referenced scientific paper of all time is "Protein measurement with the
Folin phenol reagent" by Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L. & Randall,
R. J. and was published in the J. BioChem. in 1951.
It describes a method for
measuring the amount of protein (even as small as 0.2 γ, were γ is the specific
weight) in solutions and has been cited over 300,000 times and can be found here:
Dr. Lowry completed
two doctoral degrees under an M.D.-Ph.D. program from the University of Chicago
before moving to Harvard under A. Baird Hastings.
He was also the H.O.D of
Pharmacology at Washington University in St. Louis for 29 years.
在检测命名实体和某些单词的各种词性之后,下一步是探索它们之间的关系。这通常以主语-谓语-宾语三元组的形式完成。在我们之前的 NER 示例中,对于句子“The conference wrapped up yesterday at 5:30 p.m. in Copenhagen, Denmark.”,我们发现了各种日期、时间和位置的命名实体。
我们可以使用MinIE 库(它反过来使用 Standford CoreNLP 库)通过以下代码提取三元组
def parser = CoreNLPUtils.StanfordDepNNParser()
sentences.each { sentence ->
def minie = new MinIE(sentence, parser, MinIE.Mode.SAFE)
println "\nInput sentence: $sentence"
println '============================='
println 'Extractions:'
for (ap in minie.propositions) {
println "\tTriple: $ap.tripleAsString"
def attr = ap.attribution.attributionPhrase ? ap.attribution.toStringCompact() : 'NONE'
println "\tFactuality: $ap.factualityAsString\tAttribution: $attr"
println '\t----------'
Input sentence: The conference wrapped up yesterday at 5:30 p.m. in Copenhagen, Denmark. ============================= Extractions: Triple: "conference" "wrapped up yesterday at" "5:30 p.m." Factuality: (+,CT) Attribution: NONE ---------- Triple: "conference" "wrapped up yesterday in" "Copenhagen" Factuality: (+,CT) Attribution: NONE ---------- Triple: "conference" "wrapped up" "yesterday" Factuality: (+,CT) Attribution: NONE
在之前的 NER 示例中还有一个有问题的案例,“The parcel was passed from May to June.”。使用之前的模型,检测到“May to June”是一个日期。让我们使用 CoreNLP 的三元组提取直接探索它。我们不会在这里显示源代码,但 CoreNLP 支持简单和更强大的方法来解决这个问题。使用更强大的技术,该句子的输出为
Sentence #7: The parcel was passed from May to June. root(ROOT-0, passed-4) det(parcel-2, The-1) nsubj:pass(passed-4, parcel-2) aux:pass(passed-4, was-3) case(May-6, from-5) obl:from(passed-4, May-6) case(June-8, to-7) obl:to(passed-4, June-8) punct(passed-4, .-9) Triples: 1.0 parcel was passed 1.0 parcel was passed to June 1.0 parcel was passed from May to June 1.0 parcel was passed from May
情感分析是一种 NLP 技术,用于确定数据是积极的、消极的还是中性的。Standford CoreNLP 有它用于此目的的默认模型
def doc = new Document('''
StanfordNLP is fantastic!
Groovy is great fun!
Math can be hard!
for (sent in doc.sentences()) {
println "${sent.toString().padRight(40)} ${sent.sentiment()}"
[main] INFO edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserGrammar - Loading parser from serialized file edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz ... done [0.6 sec].
[main] INFO edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentModel - Loading sentiment model edu/stanford/nlp/models/sentiment/sentiment.ser.gz ... done [0.1 sec].
StanfordNLP is fantastic! POSITIVE
Groovy is great fun! VERY_POSITIVE
Math can be hard! NEUTRAL
def datasets = [
positive: getClass().classLoader.getResource("rt-polarity.pos").toURI(),
negative: getClass().classLoader.getResource("rt-polarity.neg").toURI()
我们首先使用 Datumbox,正如我们之前看到的,它需要我们算法的训练参数
def trainingParams = new TextClassifier.TrainingParameters(
numericalScalerTrainingParameters: null,
featureSelectorTrainingParametersList: [new ChisquareSelect.TrainingParameters()],
textExtractorParameters: new NgramsExtractor.Parameters(),
modelerTrainingParameters: new MultinomialNaiveBayes.TrainingParameters()
def config = Configuration.configuration
TextClassifier classifier = MLBuilder.create(trainingParams, config)
def metrics = classifier.validate(datasets)
println "Classifier Accuracy (using training data): $metrics.accuracy"
[main] INFO com.datumbox.framework.core.common.dataobjects.Dataframe$Builder - Dataset Parsing positive class
[main] INFO com.datumbox.framework.core.common.dataobjects.Dataframe$Builder - Dataset Parsing negative class
Classifier Accuracy (using training data): 0.8275959103273615
['Datumbox is divine!', 'Groovy is great fun!', 'Math can be hard!'].each {
def r = classifier.predict(it)
def predicted = r.YPredicted
def probability = sprintf '%4.2f', r.YPredictedProbabilities.get(predicted)
println "Classifing: '$it', Predicted: $predicted, Probability: $probability"
[main] INFO com.datumbox.framework.applications.nlp.TextClassifier - predict()
Classifing: 'Datumbox is divine!', Predicted: positive, Probability: 0.83
Classifing: 'Groovy is great fun!', Predicted: positive, Probability: 0.80
Classifing: 'Math can be hard!', Predicted: negative, Probability: 0.95
我们可以做同样的事情,但使用 OpenNLP。首先,我们收集我们的输入数据。OpenNLP 期待它在一个包含标记示例的单个数据集中
def trainingCollection = datasets.collect { k, v ->
new File(v).readLines().collect{"$k $it".toString() }
def variants = [
Maxent : new TrainingParameters(),
NaiveBayes: new TrainingParameters((CUTOFF_PARAM): '0', (ALGORITHM_PARAM): NAIVE_BAYES_VALUE)
def models = [:]
variants.each{ key, trainingParams ->
def trainingStream = new CollectionObjectStream(trainingCollection)
def sampleStream = new DocumentSampleStream(trainingStream)
println "\nTraining using $key"
models[key] = DocumentCategorizerME.train('en', sampleStream, trainingParams, new DoccatFactory())
def w = sentences*.size().max()
variants.each { key, params ->
def categorizer = new DocumentCategorizerME(models[key])
println "\nAnalyzing using $key"
sentences.each {
def result = categorizer.categorize(it.split('[ !]'))
def category = categorizer.getBestCategory(result)
def prob = sprintf '%4.2f', result[categorizer.getIndex(category)]
println "${it.padRight(w)} $category ($prob)"
Training using Maxent …done. … Training using NaiveBayes …done. … Analyzing using Maxent OpenNLP is fantastic! positive (0.64) Groovy is great fun! positive (0.74) Math can be hard! negative (0.61) Analyzing using NaiveBayes OpenNLP is fantastic! positive (0.72) Groovy is great fun! positive (0.81) Math can be hard! negative (0.72)
这里的模型与我们为 Datumbox 训练的模型相比,似乎具有较低的概率水平。如果这是一个问题,我们可以尝试进一步调整训练参数。我们可能还需要一个更大的测试集来说服自己每个模型的相对优点。有些模型可能会在小型数据集上过度训练,并且在与训练数据集相似的数据上表现得非常好,但在其他数据上表现得非常差。
这个例子是受 UniversalSentenceEncoder 示例的启发,该示例位于 DJL 示例模块 中。它查看了如何通过 DeepJavaLibrary (DJL) api 使用来自 TensorFlow Hub 的通用句子编码器模型。
class MyTranslator implements NoBatchifyTranslator<String[], double[][]> {
NDList processInput(TranslatorContext ctx, String[] raw) {
var factory = ctx.NDManager
var inputs = new NDList(raw.collect(factory::create))
new NDList(NDArrays.stack(inputs))
double[][] processOutput(TranslatorContext ctx, NDList list) {
long numOutputs = list.singletonOrThrow().shape.get(0)
NDList result = []
for (i in 0..<numOutputs) {
result << list.singletonOrThrow().get(i)
result*.toFloatArray() as double[][]
在这里,我们手动将输入句子打包到所需的 N 维数据类型中,并将输出计算提取到 2D 双精度数组中。
接下来,我们通过首先定义预测算法的标准来创建我们的 predict
方法。我们将使用我们的翻译器,使用 TensorFlow 引擎,使用 TensorFlow Hub 中预定义的句子编码器模型,并表明我们正在创建一个文本嵌入应用程序
def predict(String[] inputs) {
String modelUrl = "https://storage.googleapis.com/tfhub-modules/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4.tar.gz"
Criteria<String[], double[][]> criteria =
.setTypes(String[], double[][])
.optTranslator(new MyTranslator())
.optProgress(new ProgressBar())
try (var model = criteria.loadModel()
var predictor = model.newPredictor()) {
String[] inputs = [
"Cycling is low impact and great for cardio",
"Swimming is low impact and good for fitness",
"Palates is good for fitness and flexibility",
"Weights are good for strength and fitness",
"Orchids can be tricky to grow",
"Sunflowers are fun to grow",
"Radishes are easy to grow",
"The taste of radishes grows on you after a while",
var k = inputs.size()
var embeddings = predict(inputs)
var z = new double[k][k]
for (i in 0..<k) {
println "Embedding for: ${inputs[i]}\n${embeddings[i]}"
for (j in 0..<k) {
z[i][j] = dot(embeddings[i], embeddings[j])
最后,我们将使用 Smile 中的 Heatmap
new Heatmap(inputs, inputs, z, Palette.heat(20).reverse()).canvas().with {
title = 'Semantic textual similarity'
setAxisLabels('', '')
Loading: 100% |========================================|
2022-08-07 17:10:43.212697: ... This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations: AVX2
2022-08-07 17:10:52.589396: ... SavedModel load for tags { serve }; Status: success: OK...
Embedding for: Cycling is low impact and great for cardio
[-0.02865048497915268, 0.02069241739809513, 0.010843578726053238, -0.04450441896915436, ...]
Embedding for: The taste of radishes grows on you after a while
[0.015841705724596977, -0.03129228577017784, 0.01183396577835083, 0.022753292694687843, ...]
我们已经查看了一系列使用各种 NLP 库的 NLP 示例。希望您能看到一些在您自己的应用程序中可以使用其他 NLP 技术的情况。